Ginkgo Biloba Evalar

Ginkgo Biloba Evalar a drug that improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation, nourishes the brain, gives clarity of consciousness, improves memory, activates thought processes and slows down brain aging

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Instructions for Ginkgo Biloba Evalar

Release Form Tablets

Drug effect Blood stopping

For diseases of the cardiovascular system
Stimulating hematopoiesis

Description Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba Evalar 120mg

Maximum of ginkgo extract (120 mg) in each tablet to improve cerebrovascular performance.

Active substance:
ginkgo biloba extract dry, glycine

Indications Ginkgo Biloba

To improve memory and attention, increase mental activity, reduce sensitivity to weather conditions, improve blood circulation in the brain, and provide the brain cells with oxygen and nutrients.

In East Asia, the ginkgo biloba is a symbol of strength and longevity. The leaf extract of this plant helps to nourish the brain, improves thinking clarity, promotes better memory, stimulates thought processes and slows down the brain aging processes. Drugs based on it are very popular, the total sales of which in the world exceed a billion dollars annually.

One of the most well-known biologically active additives for the normalization of blood circulation in the brain on the basis of ginkgo biloba is the product "Ginkgo biloba" from the company "Evalar". Ginkgo extract actively affects the brain vessels, improving blood flow, which contributes to improving the blood supply to the brain and improving its mental performance. Unsurprisingly, more than 60% of older people in Germany and more than 70% in France regularly take ginkgo-based supplements.

The active effect of "Ginkgo biloba" from "Evalar" at a dosage of 120 mg contributes to:

- Improved memory and attention,
- Increasing mental activity,
- Reduced sensitivity to weather conditions,
- Improvement of blood circulation in the brain,
- Provision of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells.


Microcrystalline cellulose (filler), dry ginkgo biloba extract, glycine, calcium stearate, aerosyl (anti-tracking components), film coating components: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, TWIN-80, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol, iron oxides (dye).

Testimony Ginkgo Biloba

It is recommended as a dietary supplement for flavonol glycosides.


Categories: Brain health