Hepatrombin H (heparin sodium, prednisolone)

Hepatrombin H (heparin sodium, prednisolone) having anti-inflammatory and decongestant, antithrombotic, antiexudative and moderate anti-inflammatory effects, promotes the regeneration of connective tissue, prevents blood coagulation in hemorrhoids

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Instructions for Hepatrombin H (heparin sodium, prednisolone)

English Product Name
Hepatrombin H

Release Form Hepatrombin H
suppositories rect.: 10 pcs.
ointment d/rectal and external note: tuba 20 g with tip d/rectal

Release Form
suppositories rect.: 10 pcs.
ointment d/rectal and external note: tuba 20 g with tip d/rectal

Description Hepatrombin H

Rectal suppositories are white, conical and sliced white, homogeneous.

1 soup.
heparin sodium 120 IU*
prednisolone acetate 1.675 mg
lauromacrogol 600 30 mg
Auxiliary substances: medium-chain triglycerides - 1.08 mg, silicon colloidal - 11.4 mg, solid fat (Novata B) - 1801.2 mg, glyceryl tristearate - 27.5 mg.

5 pcs - PVC cone-shaped packages (2) - cardboard packs.

* 1 IU of sodium heparin - anticoagulant activity, corresponds to the activity of 7.7 ug II International Standard of Heparin (WHO).

ATX codes Hepatrombin H
C05AX03 Other drugs and combinations

Clinical and pharmacological groups / Group affiliation
Drug with antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and venosclerosing action for topical application in proctology

Active ingredient

  • heparin sodium
  • prednisolone acetate

Pharmacotherapeutic group Hepatrombin H

Antihaemorrhoidal agent

Pharmacological effect Hepatrombin H

The combined topical preparation in proctology combines antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and venosclerosing action. Heparin is a direct-acting anticoagulant that, when applied externally, has a local antithrombotic, anti-exudative and moderate anti-inflammatory effect, promotes connective tissue regeneration and prevents blood coagulation in the hemorrhoids. Prednisone is a corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, and anti-allergic effects, reducing itching, burning sensation, and anorectal pain. Lauromacrogol 600 provides a local anesthetic effect and contributes to the sclerosis of the hemorrhoids.

After adsorption, heparin binds to plasma proteins by 95%. It is slowly released from the tissues, with a half-life of about 1 hour. 50% of the active ingredient remains on the skin after injection. Excretion rate is dose dependent. After absorption, heparin is metabolized in the liver, including hepatic heparinase, and the reticuloendothelial system. 20-50% is excreted in the urine unchanged, in part as uroheparin, which has a weak anticoagulant effect. Excretion is dose-dependent, with lower doses having a shorter half-life in plasma.

Prednisone is metabolized by the liver after absorption. About 1% is excreted unchanged in the urine. The biological half-life is 18-36 hours, and the plasma half-life is 115-212 minutes.

Method of application Hepatrombin H:

It is recommended to use the product in the rectum 1-2 times a day, after a natural bowel movement.

Testimony Hepatrombin H

external and internal hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis of anal hemorrhoidal veins, fistula, eczema and itching in the anus, anal cracks, preparation for surgery in the anorectal area, as part of complex therapy of thrombosed or operated hemorrhoids.

Nosology (ICD codes)
Anal and rectal fissure and fistula
Hemorrhoids and perianal venous thrombosis
Anogenital itching, unspecified


Categories: Antithrombotic