Write a review Your name Email Website Title Rate product clear Review Images Upload photos or drag & drop here (max. 10 photos) Your review will be published after moderation. Ctrl+Enter $49 $0 MEXIDOL Forte® (Emoxypine) antioxidant agent with antihypoxic, stress-protective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects 125 mg | 30 tablets 27 $49 125 mg | 50 tablets 26 $67 250 mg | 40 tablets | Forte 25 $82 5 ml | 5 ampoules 22 $71 5 ml | 10 ampoules 23 $99 2 ml | 10 ampoules 24 $73 − + Buy now MEXIDOL® (Emoxypine) is now in your shopping cart In stock In stock In stock In stock In stock In stock