Noojerone (memantine)

Noojerone (memantine) Moderate to severe dementia of Alzheimer's type

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Instructions for Noojerone (memantine)

Nosology (ICD codes)

Dementia Alzheimer's type

Active substances

Release Form

Composition Noojerone

Film-coated tablets, composition (1 table): active substance: memantine hydrochloride - 10 mg; (equivalent to 8.31 mg of memantine); auxiliary substances: MCP - 136.8 mg; calcium hydrophosphate - 84.5 mg; crosscarmellose sodium - 4.8 mg; silicon colloidal dioxide - 1.5 mg; magnesium stearate - 2.4 mg; film shell: Opadry II gray 45F27505 (hypromellose 2910/15 cP - 25 cP 5 mg, polydextrose - 2.5 mg, titanium dioxide - 2.48 mg, macrogol/macrogol 4000 - 0.5 mg, iron oxide black dye - 0.02 mg) - 8 mg

Pharmacological effect

nootropic psychometabolic

Pharmacokinetics Noojerone

Suction. Ingestion does not affect the absorption of memantine. After ingestion, memantine is absorbed quickly and completely. Plasma Cmax is 3 to 8 hours after ingestion. In patients with normal renal function, there is no observed cumulation of memantine; distribution. With a daily dose of 20 mg/day Css, plasma memantine is 70 to 150 ng/mL.

Testimony Noojerone

Alzheimer-type dementia is moderate to severe.

Method and quantity of reception Noojerone

Method and quantity of reception
Oral, excluding food, once a day, at the same time every day.; Tolerance and dose of the drug noodgeron should be regularly evaluated for the first three months of therapy. Then evaluate the clinical efficacy and tolerance of the drug according to the recommendations. Maintenance therapy can be continued if there is therapeutic benefit and the drug noodgeron is tolerated. The drug should be stopped if there is no therapeutic effect or the patient does not tolerate the treatment.; To reduce the risk of side effects, it is recommended to gradually increase the dose: five mg/week in the first three weeks of therapy.; Maximum daily dose is 20 mg/day. Recommended maintenance dose of noodgeron is twenty mg/day; Recommended dosing regimen: first week (day 1-7): 5 mg/day (half a 10 mg tablet); second week (day 8-14): 10 mg/day (one 10 mg tablet); third week (day 15-21): 15 mg/day (1.5 10 mg tablets).; starting week four: twenty mg/day (two 10 mg tablets).; patients over 65 mg/day years. No dose adjustment is required; If kidney function is impaired. In patients with creatinine cl 50 to 80 mL/min, no dose adjustment is required. For patients with moderate renal insufficiency (cl creatinine 30 to 49 mL/min), ten mg/day is recommended. After seven days, the dose can be increased to 20 mg/day as standard if tolerance is good. In patients with severe renal insufficiency (cl creatinine 5 to 29 mL/min), the daily dose should not exceed ten mg/day; when the liver is not functioning normally. For patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment (Child Pugh class a and B), no dose adjustment is necessary; for patients with severe liver failure (Child Pugh class C), noodgeron is not recommended.


Categories: Nootropics