
Valacyclovir antiviral agent

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Valacyclovir Instructions for


Round biconvex tablets, coated in white or almost white film.

Active substances


Release Form

Composition Valacyclovir
Ingredients per 1 tablet 500 mg: Active ingredients: valacyclovir hydrochloride - 556.2 mg, expressed as valacyclovir - 500.0 mg. Auxiliary substances: microcrystalline cellulose - 106.8 mg, povidone-K25 - 12.0 mg, magnesium stearate - 5.0 mg. The shell composition: hypromellose - 11.0 mg, macrogol - 4000 - 3.0 mg, titanium dioxide - 6.0 mg.

pharmachologic effect Valacyclovir

Pharmacological effect of antiviral agent. Valacyclovir is a l-valine ester of acyclovir, which has an antiviral effect. Acyclovir, as an analog of the purine nucleotide (guanine), is quickly and completely converted in the human body to valacyclovir under the influence of the enzyme valacyclovirhydrolase. Acyclovir has specific antiviral effects in vitro against a variety of viruses including herpes simplex, varicella-zoster, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and human herpesvirus 6. Acyclovir inhibits viral DNA synthesis by inhibiting it immediately after phosphorylation and conversion to the active form acycloviryl triphosphate. The phosphorylation process of acyclovir, culminating in cell kinases, is specifically activated by viral enzymes, which explains its selectivity in action. Resistance to acyclovir is usually due to deficiency of the viral thymidine kinase, resulting in marked increase in viral spread. Sometimes decreased sensitivity to acyclovir results from changes in viral enzyme structure.

Indications Valacyclovir

  • treatment of herpes zoster (herpes zoster):
  •  valacyclovir helps reduce pain and duration in most patients with herpes zoster pain, 
  • including acute and postherpetic neuralgia. 
  • Treatment of skin and mucous membrane infections caused by herpes simplex (HSV), 
  • including primary and recurrent genital herpes (herpes genitalis) and herpes labialis (labialis). - 
  • Prevent (suppress) recurrence of HSV1 skin and mucous membrane infections, including genital herpes. Adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older: - Prevent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections and diseases after solid organ transplantation.

Method of application Valacyclovir

to adults, including those with tuberous and creatinine cleansing less than 50 ml/min/1.73 sq.m: for herpes on lips (treatment begins with tingling, itching or burning) - 2 g of medication every 12 hours, at a tuberous cleansing rate of 30-49 - 1 g every 12 hours, at a tuberous cleansing rate of 10-29 - 500 mg every 12 hours, at a tuberous cleansing rate of less than 10 - 500 mg times. The duration of treatment with the drug - 1 day, in the case of primary genital herpes (including at the tuber cleaning rate of 30-49 ml/min/1.73 sq.m) - 1 g 2 times a day, at the tuber cleaning rate of 10-29 - 1 g every 24 hours, at the tuber cleaning rate of less than 10 - 500 mg every 24 hours. The duration of treatment is 10 days for recurrent genital herpes (including at a tuber clearance rate of 30-49 ml/min/1.73 sq m) - 500 mg twice a day, at a tuber clearance rate of less than 30 - 500 mg every 24 hours. Treatment begins at the first sign or symptoms of relapse and is initiated at 3 days with long-term suppressive therapy for recurrent genital herpes in immunocompromised individuals, including hiv infection at 1 g/day (including 30 to 49 tubers), at a tuber clearance rate of less than 30 to 500 mg every 24 hours, and at a recurrence rate of less than 9/year with an application (including 30 to 49 tubers) of 500 mg/day at a tuber clearance rate less than 30 to 500 mg every 48 hours in hiv-infected patients with cd4+ cell counts above 100/mcL (including at 30 to 49 flutter rates) of 500 mg twice a day and at 30 to 500 mg every 24 hours; to reduce the risk of transmission to a sex partner if relapses are less than 9 a year, sex partners are given 500 mg once a day. for herpes zoster, 1 g of the drug every 8 hours for 7 days (treatment is started within 48 hours of rash onset), 30 to 49 tuberous peeling every 12 hours, 1 g tuberous peeling every 24 hours, 1 g tuberous peeling every 29 hours, 1 g tuberous peeling less than 10 mg every 24 hours, adults and children over 12 years, including those with tuberous and creatinine peeling less than 75 ml/min/1.73 sq m: prevention of cmv infection in organ transplantation 2 g 4 times per day, at the flutter cleansing rate of 50-75 - 1.5 g 4 times a day, at the flutter cleansing rate of 25-50 - 1.5 g 3 times a day, at the flutter cleansing rate of 10-25 - 1.5 g 2 times a day, at the flutter cleansing rate of less than 10 and in patients undergoing hemodialysis - 1.5 g once a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is 90 days. start taking the drug as soon as possible after transplantation. for hemodialysis patients, the drug is injected after the hemodialysis procedure. t1/2 for such patients is 4 hours, 30% of the drug is removed within 4 hours of the procedure. in peritoneal dialysis, the drug is less removed, the other pharmacokinetic parameters remain the same


Categories: Antivirals