Velledien (tibolone) 28 pills

Velledien (tibolone) 28 pills the drug replenishes estrogen deficiency in the postmenopausal period, relieving symptoms associated with their deficiency, hot flashes, depression, increased sweating at night, headache, has a positive effect on libido and mood (increases the concentration of central and peripheral opioids), has a trophic effect on the vaginal mucosa without causing endometrial proliferation

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Instructions for Velledien (tibolone) 28 pills

English Product Name tibolone

Release Form tibolone

  • Nosology Velledien (ICD codes)
  • M80.0
  • Postmenopausal osteoporosis with abnormal fracture
  • M80.1
  • Osteoporosis with abnormal fracture after ovarian removal
  • M81.0
  • Osteoporosis postmenopausal
  • M81.1
  • Osteoporosis post ovarian removal
  • N95.1
  • Menopause and menopausal state in women
  • N95.3
  • Artificially induced menopause conditions

Pharmacological effect Velledien

tibolone is a drug with a pharmacological effect related to estrogen and other estrogens. Its action is aimed at selective regulation of estrogen-like activity in tissues, making it a tissue selective regulator. The pharmacodynamic properties of tibolone are due to the action of three active metabolites: 3-alpha-hydroxytibolone and 3-beta-hydroxytibolone have estrogen-like activity, while the delta-4 isomer has progestagen-like and weak androgen-like activity. It compensates for postmenopausal estrogen deficiency, which helps relieve associated symptoms such as hot flashes, depression, sweating during the night, and headache. Additionally, tibolone positively affects libido and mood, increasing opioid concentration in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. It also has a trophic effect on vaginal mucosa without causing endometrial proliferation. It also prevents bone loss after menopause or removal of the ovaries and lowers plasma phosphate and calcium concentrations.

Indications Velledien

Use of the drug to relieve symptoms of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women at least one year after the last menstrual period in natural menopause or immediately after menopausal surgery
ยท Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women at high risk of fractures, if other drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis are not available or contraindicated.

Vellediene is taken by mouth with one tablet a day, preferably at the same time every day. The first tablet from the top row cell marked by the day of the week corresponding to the day of the start of the session. All other tablets are taken sequentially from the cells in the direction of the arrow on the calendar package until all the tablets are taken.

Method of administration and dosage Velledien

The drug tibolone is used to treat postmenopausal symptoms and should be taken only for symptoms that adversely affect a woman's quality of life. Vellediene should be started at least 12 months after the last menstrual period if menopause is natural. Patients who have had menopause as a result of surgery may start taking the drug immediately. In either case, the risk and benefit of treatment must be carefully assessed at least every 6 months and continued only if the benefit of therapy exceeds the possible risk. If switching to Vellediene after taking another drug is necessary, consultation with a doctor is recommended.


Categories: Gynecology